Please complete the registration form below to receive all the details to join Illumination!
Fill out your details below to complete your registration to receive the details to join Illumination for 28 days of Moon Magic starting May 18th!
After your registration is complete you will receive an email with a Zoom link for our 3 moon ceremonies, details for the events and an invitation to join our private Facebook community. Please check your junk/spam and promotions folder and add our email to your safe senders list.
If you are ready to dive deeper into your Intuitive Parenting journey, you can join our IPIK ‘Quantum Parenting Collective’ FB Group where you’ll find LIVE training videos and other useful tips and tricks to support you and your kids expand your awareness, raise your consciousness and create mindful family living
The shift in my mood and mentality working with IPIK is incredible! I used to default to anger above anything else, but now I'm more focused on abundance and appreciate the little things. We are so much happier and content as a result. Thank you!
SALLY, Mum of 3