Awaken your Parenting Power

It’s finally time to unlock your power to let go of limiting beliefs, heal deeply and create lasting change, so you can be the positive parenting role model you truly want to be for your whole family. 

Awaken your parenting power

It’s finally time to unlock your power to let go of limiting beliefs, heal deeply and create lasting change, so you can be the positive parenting role model you truly want to be for your whole family.

Awaken your parenting power

It’s finally time to unlock your power to let go of limiting beliefs, heal deeply and create lasting change, so you can be the positive parenting role model you truly want to be for your whole family.

You wish you could let go of the parenting guilt.
the belief you're failing as an intuitive parent.
The feelings keeping you trapped.

but just don’t know how.

Every time you fall short of the positive parent you want to be, the overwhelming feelings of guilt and shame surface.  You watch yourself subconsciously react as the never ending to do list grows.  You’re triggered by the same things, over and over again. Feeing defeated.  Like you’re failing as a positive, role model for your kids. 

The days of consistent mindful parenting are nowhere to be seen.  Goodness knows you’ve tried. You’ve read the positive parenting books, you’ve introduced mindfulness and tried to meditate. You may’ve even sought help, had therapy sessions and shifted some of the heaviness you feel.

But it didn’t last. You keep ending up back here. In this place where things feel hard. Sinking back into the same old patterns, frustrated that you can’t hold a space of mindfulness and awareness. Treading water, and only just staying afloat.  Feeling like this is as good as it gets, and hating it. With no answer in sight, it seems like there’s no way to change it.
frustrations of every day life - a woman and a mother with small child with toys on the floor

You wish you could let go of the parenting guilt.

The feelings keeping you trapped.

The belief you're failing as an intuitive parent...

but just don’t know how.

frustrations of every day life - a woman and a mother with small child with toys on the floor

Every time you fall short of the positive parent you want to be, the overwhelming feelings of guilt and shame surface.  You watch yourself subconsciously react as the never ending to do list grows.  You’re triggered by the same things, over and over again. Feeing defeated.  Like you’re failing as a positive, role model for your kids. 

The days of consistent mindful parenting are nowhere to be seen.  Goodness knows you’ve tried. You’ve read the positive parenting books, you’ve introduced mindfulness and tried to meditate. You may’ve even sought help, had therapy sessions and shifted some of the heaviness you feel.

But it didn’t last. You keep ending up back here. In this place where things feel hard. Sinking back into the same old patterns, frustrated that you can’t hold a space of mindfulness and awareness. Treading water, and only just staying afloat.  Feeling like this is as good as it gets, and hating it. With no answer in sight, it seems like there’s no way to change it.

This isn’t as good as it gets. Making a lasting change for you and your family is possible…
And it can be simple.

Imagine a life where you feel empowered to tune in, listen to your gut instinct and trust what it’s telling you, so you can choose the reality that feels aligned for you and your kids .   Where you can sit with the uncomfortable feelings you used to avoid, work through them and unhook yourself from the negative charge they create, whenever you need to.   

Pressure, stress and overwhelm quickly fall away and you find yourself living life in flow.  Finally, you have the space to breathe again.  To parent with presence.  Issues that were once a burden no longer bother you.  Every day is full of connection and possibilities.  Feeling calm and present, you hold open-hearted space for yourself, and your family too.  Your kids feel the change, and the whole energy of your home shifts.  You’re the parent you always wanted to be.  And the best part is, the changes you choose to make happen fast, and actually last.

This isn’t as good as it gets. Making a lasting change for you and your family is possible…

And it can be simple.

Imagine a life where you feel empowered to tune in, listen to your gut instinct and trust what it’s telling you, so you can choose the reality that feels aligned for you and your kids.   Where you can sit with the uncomfortable feelings you used to avoid, work through them and unhook yourself from the negative charge they create, whenever you need to.   

Pressure, stress and overwhelm quickly fall away and you find yourself living life in flow.  Finally, you have the space to breathe again.  To parent with presence.  Issues that were once a burden no longer bother you.  Every day is full of connection and possibilities.  Feeling calm and present, you hold open-hearted space for yourself, and your family too.  Your kids feel the change, and the whole energy of your home shifts.  You’re the parent you always wanted to be.  And the best part is, the changes you choose to make happen fast, and actually last. 

I’ve done many healing journeys in my life but none that have taken me within with such immediacy. I couldn’t wait for each session to see if the same would happen, and it did each time without fail.

The gentle space and supportive energy had my soul jumping to delve deeper into myself and it felt like an adventure into the hidden depths of stories and limiting beliefs I wasn’t even aware of. It was highly revealing, highly impactful and highly recommended!

It’s time to start your...
Personal Development Journey

This is a three month deep meditative healing journey unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

Guided by an openhearted, supportive lightworker and Personal Development Teacher, make lasting transformational changes fast.

Learn a simple yet powerful method to quickly and easily get out of your head and into your heart.  So you can let go of limiting beliefs, connect with the root cause of your problems, heal from within and shift your perception in an instant.

Finally feel free to be the parent you always wanted to be.  Parenting with presence and holding a high vibrational space for your family.  You are doing the inner work, becoming the best role model for your kids, and creating the life for your family exactly as you choose.

It’s time to start your...
Personal Development Journey

This is a three month deep meditative healing journey unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

Personal Development Journey

This is a three month deep meditative healing journey unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

Guided by an openhearted, supportive lightworker and Personal Development Teacher, make lasting transformational changes fast.   

Learn a simple yet powerful method to quickly and easily get out of your head and into your heart.  So you can let go of limiting beliefs, connect with the root cause of your problems, heal from within and shift your perception in an instant.  

Finally feel free to be the parent you always wanted to be.  Parenting with presence and holding a high vibrational space for your family.  You are doing the inner work, becoming the best role model for your kids, and creating the life for your family exactly as you choose.

No more band-aids.
This transformative journey will change the future for you and your family.

No more parenting guilt and feeling like a failure.

No more just scratching the surface for short-lived change.

No more finding yourself stuck back in the same rut.

This is the only guided personal development program in the world teaching the Soul Resonance Alignment (SRA) Method. A simple yet powerful self-healing modality developed by holistic energy healer and IPIK Founder Emily Robinson.

  • An intuitive experience personally tailored to your stories and limiting beliefs
  • Find the root cause of your problems instantly
  • Unhook limiting beliefs and experience deep healing every session
  • Shift your perception, become the observer in your life and stop feeling controlled by everything around you

SRA is so simple! You can use it whenever you need it, for the rest of your life. And because healing comes from within, it’s powerful, tangible and actually lasts.

As your kids grow up, you get to teach them this powerful three step process too.  Gifting them these tools so they can explore their inner dialogue, unhook limiting beliefs, and feel empowered, full of confidence and self love.   

The SRA Method has become an everyday tool I use to question where the patterns and stories are coming from in my life. It seems like such a simple concept but it’s so rewarding to be able to get to the bottom of an issue and feel empowered about it. I literally feel like I’m taking my power back!

It has allowed me to step outside of what seems to be a black hole of limiting beliefs and behaviours with no way out, and has taught me to simply observe these experiences without being dragged back in to the cycle again. It is literally lifechanging!

take your power back in three simple steps
Heal past trauma, let go of limiting beliefs and feel free to live the life you truly want

Step One:
Recognise your energy

Feel safe and supported to dive deeper into your body, recognise dense energy, and bring your limiting beliefs and old patterns to the surface.

Step Two:
Raise your vibration

Become the observer of your life, peel back the layers of past stories and raise your vibration to let go of attachments and outdated behaviours that aren’t serving you.

Step Three:
Realign your reality

Open your heart space, connect with pure love and light and watch as your old patterns dissolve, leaving room to choose a new reality aligned with your inner truth.

base-slider-image_v2Intuitive figure raising vibration by recognise, raise, realign
This is your new Reality
  • Parenting guilt falls away and you’re able to let go of perfection and parent with presence
  • You’re the role model you always wanted to be, and relationships with your family are better than ever
  • Awareness expands, dense energy shifts and you’re more in tune with your intuition
  • Personal growth happens with ease and mindful family living becomes the new normal as the consciousness rises
  • You’re finally able to teach your kids how to live in balance and flow, as you lead by example embodying you’re new found freedom
  • Feeling grateful to be alive, you feel more balance, joy and happiness, and you open-heartedly connect with your whole family
family of five playing and a woman holding a candle looking peaceful

The Personal Development Journey has changed my life! It’s changed the way I perceive things and allowed me to understand what’s happening energetically within myself.

The sessions are engaging and provide relevant, relatable, realistic guidance as well as mentoring and healing. I highly recommend this Journey to anyone ready to open their awareness and make real life changes.

take your power back in three simple steps

Heal past trauma, let go of limiting beliefs and feel free to live the life you truly want

Step One:
Recognise your energy

Feel safe and supported to dive deeper into your body, recognise dense energy, and bring your limiting beliefs and old patterns to the surface.

Step Two:
Raise your vibration

Become the observer of your life, peel back the layers of past stories and raise your vibration to let go of attachments and outdated behaviours that aren’t serving you.

Step Three:
Realign your reality

Open your heart space, connect with pure love and light and watch as your old patterns dissolve, leaving room to choose a new reality aligned with your inner truth.

Step One:
Recognise your energy

Feel safe and supported to dive deeper into your body, recognise dense energy, and bring your limiting beliefs and old patterns to the surface.

Step Two:
Raise your vibration

Become the observer of your life, peel back the layers of past stories and raise your vibration to let go of attachments and outdated behaviours that aren’t serving you.

Step Three:
Realign your reality

Open your heart space, connect with pure love and light and watch as your old patterns dissolve, leaving room to choose a new reality aligned with your inner truth.

This is your new Reality
  • Parenting guilt falls away and you’re able to let go of perfection and parent with presence
  • You’re the role model you always wanted to be, and relationships with your family are better than ever Awareness expands, dense energy shifts and you’re more in tune with your intuition Personal growth happens with ease and mindful family living becomes the new normal as the consciousness rises You’re finally able to teach your kids how to live in balance and flow, as you lead by example embodying you’re new found freedom Feeling grateful to be alive, you feel more balance, joy and happiness, and you open-heartedly connect with your whole family
family of five playing and a woman holding a candle looking peaceful

The Personal Development Journey has changed my life! It’s changed the way I perceive things and allowed me to understand what’s happening energetically within myself.

The sessions are engaging and provide relevant, relatable, realistic guidance as well as mentoring and healing. I highly recommend this Journey to anyone ready to open their awareness and make real life changes.

Experience huge shifts and tangible results that will last a lifetime
Experience huge shifts and tangible results that will last a lifetime
Everything you need to turn over a new page in your book of life

Your journey includes:

  • Six fortnightly Zoom sessions personally tailored to create your transformational three month journey
  • A dedicated Personal Development Teacher to hold a beautiful, open-hearted, judgement free space of support and guidance for you
  • Deep meditative healing sessions teaching you the simple yet powerful Soul Resonance Alignment (SRA) Method
  • A personalised SRA Meditation created especially for you to transform your limiting beliefs and connect new neural pathways in alignment with your highest truth, as you listen again and again
Personal Development Teacher with a client, SRA Method worksheet and soul plan
Everything you need to turn over a new page in your book of life

Your journey includes:

  • Six fortnightly Zoom sessions personally tailored to create your transformational three month journey
  • A dedicated Personal Development Teacher to hold a beautiful, open-hearted, judgement free space of support and guidance for you
  • Deep meditative healing sessions teaching you the simple yet powerful Soul Resonance Alignment (SRA) Method
  • A personalised SRA Meditation created especially for you to transform your limiting beliefs and connect new neural pathways in alignment with your highest truth, as you listen again and again
Personal Development Teacher with a client, SRA Method worksheet and soul plan

Get ready to be blown away by this life changing experience!


  • A 20 minute introductory call within 48 hours of booking. Get to know your teacher, share your story and set your intention for the journey
  • Unlimited direct messages with your teacher between sessions to support your growth and development in daily life
  • A training video and downloadable cheat sheet from IPIK Founder Emily Robinson, so you can continue to use the SRA Method with confidence even after your journey ends
Ready to Choose Your new reality?

one time payment

$3333 USD


3 month
payment plan

$1160 USD

per month

6 month
payment plan

$605 USD

Per month

9 month
payment plan

$420 USD

per month

You'll be matched with a supportive Guide
Intuitive teacher with hands on heart, conscious

Our Personal Development Teachers have been on their own journey of development. They’ve been where you are now.

Trying to make changes, but getting stuck back in the same rut. With the SRA Method they’ve been able to make lasting reality shifts. Feeling the changes themselves, they know what’s possible for you.

As experienced lightworkers combining their own healing gifts with our certified Teacher Training framework, they can support you to expand, awaken and heal.  So you can trust yourself, trust your intuition, and live life according to your own truth.

<br><span style= "line-height: 1.3em; font-size: 1.3em;">Sarah Best</span>

Sarah Best


Sarah is an energy Healer specialising in holistic health, NLP and Timeline Therapy. She supports parents and their children unhook subconscious beliefs and create the future they truly want to live, supporting them in their own personal growth and transformation. She is a Mum of three, and has over 15 years experience as a Paramedic. Sarah absolutely loves roses, cups of tea and anything pink!

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You'll be matched with a supportive Guide

Our Personal Development Teachers have been on their own journey of development. They are parents just like you and have been where you are now.

Trying to make changes, but getting stuck back in the same rut. With the SRA Method they’ve been able to make lasting reality shifts for their whole family. Feeling the changes themselves, they know what’s possible for you.

As experienced lightworkers combining their own healing gifts with our certified Teacher Training framework, they can support you to expand, awaken and heal.  So you can trust yourself, trust your intuition, and be the role model for your kids that you’ve always wanted to be.  Living life according to your own truth, and teaching them to do the same.

Intuitive teacher with hands on heart, conscious
Intuitive teacher with hands on heart, conscious
<br><span style= "line-height: 1.5em; font-size: 1.3em;">Sarah Best</span><br>

Sarah Best

Sarah is an energy Healer specialising in holistic health, NLP and Timeline Therapy. She supports parents and their children unhook subconscious beliefs and create the future they truly want to live, supporting them in their own personal growth and transformation. She is a Mum of three, and has over 15 years experience as a Paramedic. Sarah absolutely loves roses, cups of tea and anything pink!

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meet emily robinson
Mother Shamanic creator Energy Healer Teacher IPIK Founder

I used to be just like you… juggling life.  Stuck in a groundhog day cycle of stress, pressure and overwhelm.  Working long hours teaching, running a healing business and being a Mum. I lived in a dense vibration of ‘should’ and ‘have to’.  It was exhausting.  I felt powerless to choose to live life my way.  One day my body said enough.  I became ill with a rare cancer.  Forced to stop, I realised I needed to let go of the chaos, unhook limiting beliefs, ditch societies expectations and listen to my intuition.  So I could live life and parent with presence in complete alignment with my own truth. 

Today I’m healthy, happy and life flows.  I created the Soul Resonance Alignment (SRA) Method to help you step into your own amazing power too.  So you can live life on your terms.  For over 15 years I’ve helped many parents and their kids work through difficult relationships, heal inner trauma and access their inner voice; their intuition.  It’s their truth.  Their superpower.  With my network of compassionate lightworkers, we’re sharing this method with you so you can become empowered to step into your heart space, make choices that align with your truth and change your reality for the better.

meet emily robinson
Mother SHAMANIC CREATOR Energy Healer Teacher IPIK Founder

I used to be just like you…juggling life.  Stuck in a groundhog day cycle of stress, pressure and overwhelm.  Working long hours teaching, running a healing business and being a Mum, I lived in a dense vibration of ‘should’ and ‘have to’.  It was exhausting.  I felt powerless to choose to live life my way.  One day my body said enough.  I became ill with a rare cancer.  Forced to stop, I realised I needed to let go of the chaos, unhook limiting beliefs, ditch societies expectations and listen to my intuition.  So I could live life and parent with presence in complete alignment with my own truth. 

Today I’m healthy, happy and life flows.  I created the Soul Resonance Alignment (SRA) Method to help you step into your own amazing power too.  So you can live life on your terms.  For over 15 years I’ve helped many parents and their kids work through difficult relationships, heal inner trauma and access their inner voice; their intuition.  It’s their truth.  Their superpower.  With my network of compassionate lightworkers, we’re sharing this method with you so you can become empowered to step into your heart space, make choices that align with your truth and change your reality for the better.

Emily Robinson Founder of Intuitive Parents-Intuitive Kids

Emily’s down to earth nature, constant support and guidance in balancing the body and helping to heal past emotions has helped me so much.

Emily’s knowledge will open you up to a whole new process.
The tools you’ll be given are invaluable.

If you answer yes To more than one of these, you're ready for change
  • Are you struggling with parenting guilt, overwhelmed with trying to do it all?
  • Do you feel like you’re failing as and intuitive parent, never able to keep your patience and reacting out of frustration instead of love and compassion?
  • Are you trapped by your limiting patterns and beliefs that you just can’t seem to get past?
  • Have you tried to make changes before, but eventually found yourself back in the same dense place?
  • Are you ready to make mindfulness and intuitive living a consistent way of life for you and your kids but stuck with how to get there?
  • Do you wish you had a better relationship with your kids and daily family life was full of loving connection, instead of stress and pressure?
women feeling frustrated and disconnected
If you answer yes To more than one of these, you're ready for change
  • Are you struggling with parenting guilt, overwhelmed with trying to do it all?
  • Do you feel like you’re failing as and intuitive parent, never able to keep your patience and reacting out of frustration instead of love and compassion?
  • Are you trapped by your limiting patterns and beliefs that you just can’t seem to get past?
  • Have you tried to make changes before, but eventually found yourself back in the same dense place?
  • Are you ready to make mindfulness and intuitive living a consistent way of life for you and your kids but stuck with how to get there?

  • Do you wish you had a better relationship with your kids and daily family life was full of loving connection, instead of stress and pressure?
women feeling frustrated and disconnected

This has changed my life! I had limiting beliefs, made excuses and pushed things that I wanted for myself aside, time and time again. Now, I’ve changed how I view things and my motto is ‘if not now…when?’ Invest in this. You owe it to yourself.

If not now, when?

It’s time to stop the cycle.

No more going round and round feeling defeated that you’re not the perfect parent you aspire to be.  Don’t waste any more time waiting and hoping for family life to be different.

Take control. Create your own change.

Access your heart, trust yourself and claim your power to make choices that alignwith the mindful intuitive parent you want to be.As you role model parenting with presence, you teach your kids how to feel empowered.How to build their own confidence and love themselves deeply.

Let go of the unconsciously absorbed expectations you’ve always lived by and tune into your Superpower; YOUR INTUITION; to create the reality you want.    

Women with arms wide open feeling free
If not now, when?

It’s time to stop the cycle.

No more going round and round feeling defeated that you’re not the perfect parent you aspire to be.  Don’t waste any more time waiting and hoping for family life to be different.

Take control. Create your own change.

Access your heart, trust yourself and claim your power to make choices that alignwith the mindful intuitive parent you want to be.As you role model parenting with presence, you teach your kids how to feel empowered.How to build their own confidence and love themselves deeply.

Let go of the unconsciously absorbed expectations you’ve always lived by and tune into your Superpower; YOUR INTUITION; to create the reality you want.  

Women with arms wide open feeling free
Stop feeling trapped. make intuitive family living the new REALIty you choose.

Connect with your new Personal Development Teacher within 48 hours of choosing to change your reality.

one time payment

$3333 USD


3 month
payment plan

$1160 USD

per month

6 month
payment plan

$605 USD

Per month

9 month
payment plan

$420 USD

per month

Upgrade now!
High 5 to Happiness Logo
IPIK | Intuitive Parents-Intuitive Kids Logo


Personal Development Journey icon

Supercharge your results and experience rapid change as you combine the practical tools of the HIGH 5 to Happiness with your unique Personal Development Journey.

Experience instant healing shifts using the Soul Resonance Alignment (SRA) Method, and step into your new role parenting with presence.  Access over 20 practical mindfulness and energy tools to teach your kids how to tap into their intuition and feel empowered to create their own future.

The IPIK Family Accelerator will:

  • Shift the parenting guilt and ‘perfect parent’ pressure so you can start parenting with presence
  • Transform your limiting beliefs so you can be the role model for your kids you always wanted to be and lead by example
  • Expand the awareness of your whole family so you can unhook dense energy and raise the consciousness
  • Confidently teach your kids the tools they need to tap into their intuition, build resilience and feel empowered to navigate life as they grow up
  • A tailored Personal Development Journey including ALL the benefits (see above)

VALUE $5999

  • Lifetime access to the HIGH 5 to Happiness Program and all the content
  • Over 20 practical mindfulness and energy tools for your whole family to do together
  • Unit workbooks covering: Mindful Awareness, Emotional Resilience, Self Confidence, Gratitude & Self Love, Manifesting Goals, Moving Forward in Intuitive Family Living 
  • Detailed unit videos and journaling prompts
  • Six BONUS group coaching sessions on zoom with IPIK Founder Emily Robinson to ask questions about your personal situation
  • Lifetime access to the dedicated HIGH 5 Facebook Group with a supportive group of likeminded families and access to all future Q&A call replays
  • Six unique guided meditations written especially for your kids (voiced by a kid)
  • Affirmation statements print out
  • Daily planner to get your week organised
  • Cheat sheet to creating your own daily rituals
  • Set of six breathing cards for kids
  • HIGH 5 poster to print and pin up

VALUE $3999

one time payment

Total value $9998

SAVE $1443

Yours today for a one time payment of



payment plan

3 x monthly payments of


Connect with your Personal Development Teacher within 48 hours of booking for a 20 minute introductory call to share your story and set your intention for the 12 week journey

Upgrade now!
IPIK | Intuitive Parents-Intuitive Kids Logo


Supercharge your results and experience rapid change as you combine our two signature Programs, enhancing the practical tools of the HIGH 5 with your unique Personal Development Journey.

Experience instant healing shifts using the Soul Resonance Alignment (SRA) Method, and step into your new role parenting with presence.  Access over 20 practical mindfulness and energy tools to teach your kids how to tap into their intuition and feel empowered to create their own future.

The IPIK Family Accelerator will:
  • Shift the parenting guilt and drop the ‘perfect parent’ pressure, so you can start parenting with presence
  • Transform your limiting beliefs so you can be the role model for your kids you always wanted to be and lead by example
  • Expand the awareness of your whole family so you can unhook dense energy and raise the consciousness
  • Confidently teach your kids the tools they need to tap into their intuition, build resilience and feel empowered to navigate life as they grow up
  • A tailored Personal Development Journey including ALL the benefits (see above)

VALUE $5999

  • Lifetime access to the HIGH 5 to Happiness Program and all the content
  • Over 20 practical mindfulness and energy tools for your whole family to do together
  • Unit workbooks covering: Mindful Awareness, Emotional Resilience, Self Confidence, Gratitude & Self Love, Manifesting Goals, Moving Forward in Intuitive Family Living 
  • Detailed unit videos and journaling prompts
  • Six BONUS group coaching sessions on zoom with IPIK Founder Emily Robinson to ask questions about your personal situation
  • Lifetime access to the dedicated HIGH 5 Facebook Group with a supportive group of likeminded families and access to all future Q&A call replays
  • Six unique guided meditations written especially for your kids (voiced by a kid)
  • Affirmation statements print out
  • Daily planner to get your week organised
  • Cheat sheet to creating your own daily rituals
  • Set of six breathing cards for kids
  • HIGH 5 poster to print and pin up

VALUE $3999

one time payment

Total value $9998

SAVE $1443

Yours today for a one time payment of



payment plan

3 x monthly payments of


Connect with your Personal Development Teacher within 48 hours of booking for a 20 minute introductory call to share your story and set your intention for the 12 week journey

Still have questions?

Not feeling quite sure that you’re ready and need some guidance? We’d love to chat with you!

Still have questions?

Not feeling quite sure that you’re ready and need some guidance? We’d love to chat with you!

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