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master the tool of emotional alchemy and create the life you truly want to live! 

master the tool of emotional alchemy and create the life you truly want to live! 




Ticket Price: $333USD

Includes Access to the 3-Day Immersion Recordings

Harnessing the power of your emotions opens doorways to the creative energy you never knew you had!

Life is meant to be in flow…  A series of beautiful experiences for you to feel the depth and rawness of being ALIVE, and to receive everything you truly want to create.  

And yet so often we are trapped in lack.  Feeling stuck in limitation and boxed in.  Hitting a ceiling on our own potential and believing that we are not worthy to have the life we truly want…  Instead, we settle for a life of existence, rather than the extraordinary potential available to us.

Emotional Alchemy is the key to unlocking your desires, and setting yourself up for SHAMANIC CREATION.

It’s time to walk the shamanic path of creation in raw vulnerability and harness the tools you need to play with the untapped energy ‘leaking’ from your life.   Draining you.  Weighing you down.  Dragging you under so you feel like you’re suffocating in the groundhog day cycle.

When you learn to lean in and FEEL, you expand your capacity to hold MORE…   You allow yourself to experience a deeper depth, a more colourful life.  A life full of the ups and downs that contribute towards your creation in all it’s forms.  The good, the bad and the ugly!

In our society and ancestral patterning we’ve been conditioned to exist in judgement, lack and fear.  To play small, to dim our light, to practice self-sacrifice, to be seen only on our best days, and show ‘acceptable’ behaviours and emotions.  

We’ve been taught that living in our FULLNESS, richness and most colourful flamboyant energy is wrong and bad. Anger, rage, sadness, grief, and all the challenging emotions are somehow labelled as wrong and bad, and we push them down, distract ourselves, get busy and try to avoid them, ultimately cutting ourselves off from pure potential.

Here are a few TRUTHS…

So…  Are you ready to CREATE YOUR LIFE and walk this shamanic journey of emotional alchemy with me?

This 3-Day Immersion is a deep dive into unlocking your potential and learning to harness your emotional energy so you can empower yourself to create exactly what you want, instead of sub-consciously creating what you don’t!

I’ll be walking with you through a magical portal to realign yourself with your TRUTH.  To step into a new way of BEING in the world. The one where you have the tools to lean into your big feelings instead of avoiding them and use the energy to bring your dreams into reality.

Together we will explore:

“Your Emotions are the gateway to your soul… and therefore infinite possibilities”

I invite you to lean into this experience and expand your potential beyond anything you could ever imagine right now.

Bring yourself to this 3-day immersion full of hope and excitement, and open your heart to a new way of BEING, and a new way of living.

Let yourself receive the Light Codes that pour through in these stories and teachings. Let them elevate your energy and vibration, awakening something within your soul.  Something you already know down deep inside, that you’re simply waiting to unlock.

This is your time to master the tool of Emotional Alchemy and create the life you truly want to live!

You can buy your ticket now and receive instant access to the recordings to start to build the life of your dreams by harnessing the power of your emotions.

I’m so excited to share this Sacred Space with you.

Sending so much love and light.

Emily x

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